Age Classification Charts

Age Classification Chart: USAA / FITA / World Archery

Age RangeAge Classification
70 and aboveMaster 70+
60 and aboveMaster 60+
50 and aboveMaster 50+
21 - 49Seniors
18 - 20Junior
15 - 17Cadet
10 - 12Bowman
8 - 9Yeoman
sometimes combined into the "Bowman" category
USA Archery (USAA)
Fédération Internationale de Tir à l'Arc (FITA) aka World Archery Federation (WA)

Age Classification Chart: NFAA / CBH / SAA

Age RangeAge Classification
70+Master Senior

60 - 69Silver Senior
50 - 59Senior
18 - 49Adult
15 - 17Young Adult
12 - 14Youth
8 - 11Cub
National Field Archery Association (NFAA)
California Bowmen Hunters (CBH)
State Archery Association (SAA)